Do you have a favorite Cigars, CA spot? If not, you need to find one fast. Before going out on the town, there's nothing better than an hour or two of cigar smoking with your buddies. You are looking for a superior cigar shop, CA for the best night out.
There are some folks who say that they don't want to get into the habit of smoking cigars and they just don't know what they're missing out on. Did you know that picking up a cigar can be very important when finding a good woman for the night?
After a prime cigar shop, CA visit, it was time to hit the first dance club after we were done smoking our first cigars. We made sure that once were in the club that we found a table that was front and center to all the action on the dance floor.
We all had a great time for a while just dancing and meeting the people around us. One of the guys found out that the owner of the club was actually here tonight. Not only that, he was at the table right next to us.
Exceptional Cigar Shop, CA
We all started talking and at one point the topic of cigars came up. The owner of this club happened to be a real cigar aficionado and couldn't stop talking about how much he loved smoking them and how he only smoked the best of the best.
Finally, we couldn't resist and asked him if we could smoke some right here. He informed us that he couldn't allow us to smoke right there in the middle of the club but that he had a VIP area where we could get away with lighting up.
An Exceptional Cigar Shop, CA = Great Night on the Town
That's all we needed to hear. We didn't just want a cigar at this point, we wanted to see if his cigar collection was as good as he had already said. A fabulous night of cigar smoking was done once we were all safely tucked away in his VIP spot.
We must note here that we were going to tell you all about how you can find a great date if you are a cigar smoker. Although the details must be left out...for obvious reasons...there were more lovely things up in that VIP area than just the owner's collection of cigars.
There are some folks who say that they don't want to get into the habit of smoking cigars and they just don't know what they're missing out on. Did you know that picking up a cigar can be very important when finding a good woman for the night?
After a prime cigar shop, CA visit, it was time to hit the first dance club after we were done smoking our first cigars. We made sure that once were in the club that we found a table that was front and center to all the action on the dance floor.
We all had a great time for a while just dancing and meeting the people around us. One of the guys found out that the owner of the club was actually here tonight. Not only that, he was at the table right next to us.
Exceptional Cigar Shop, CA
We all started talking and at one point the topic of cigars came up. The owner of this club happened to be a real cigar aficionado and couldn't stop talking about how much he loved smoking them and how he only smoked the best of the best.
Finally, we couldn't resist and asked him if we could smoke some right here. He informed us that he couldn't allow us to smoke right there in the middle of the club but that he had a VIP area where we could get away with lighting up.
An Exceptional Cigar Shop, CA = Great Night on the Town
That's all we needed to hear. We didn't just want a cigar at this point, we wanted to see if his cigar collection was as good as he had already said. A fabulous night of cigar smoking was done once we were all safely tucked away in his VIP spot.
We must note here that we were going to tell you all about how you can find a great date if you are a cigar smoker. Although the details must be left out...for obvious reasons...there were more lovely things up in that VIP area than just the owner's collection of cigars.
About the Author:
Visit Cigars by Chivas cigar shop, CA, or visit to find the best cigar shop, CA for premium cigars and accessories.
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