Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Sure-Fire Method To Obtain Free Farmville Coins

By Jeff Farmer

Lots of people like getting something for free. Not just in real life, but also in Facebook's top agriculturally-themed game, Farmville. And what do people love getting the most for free in Farmville? Coins!

It's probably surprising to a lot of Farmville players, but getting free coins is actually pretty simple. The answer to a steady supply of free coins is right under your nose, or more accurately, right under your mouse pointer. Almost every time you log into Farmville, what do you click on the "Accept" button for? That's right, gifts from your fellow Farmville players!

Let's be absolutely clear about this: Gifts equal profit. It doesn't cost you anything to receive them, so when you sell them, you're getting FREE COINS! "But what about my friends?" you might be asking. "Won't it hurt their feelings if I sell their gifts?" Probably not. But if you're really worried about this, just tell them that they're helping you get free coins. If you explain to them how the method works - so they can get free coins, too - they'll probably actually just end up THANKING you!

The only way this method will work is if you're getting gifts often. In order to be getting gifts often, there are two key prerequisites. The first is to have friends in Farmville, and the second is that you're being sent gifts by those friends.

Do you have friends in Farmville? It's very likely that you do, given the huge popularity of the game on Facebook. Just check the "My Neighbors" tab at the top of the playing window to find out for sure.

But if the reality really is that none of your Facebook friends are playing Farmville, don't despair! The solution is actually pretty easy. See the "Invite Friends" tab above your Farmville playing window? Simply click that, choose your Facebook friends that you think might want to play Farmville and then click "Send Farmville Request."

Maybe sending invitations from Farmville seems impersonal. If this is true for you, there's another option, which is to send a Facebook message to those friends that you'd like to start playing Farmville. Sending personal messages is a somewhat friendlier approach, so you might be able to get more people to join Farmville that way.

By now, you should have Farmville friends if you didn't already, but there's one more roadblock we have to face: making sure they're actually sending you gifts. If they're not, ask yourself this: "Would I be more likely to send my friends gifts if they sent ME gifts?"

It's just commonsense! When you do something for someone else, they're more inclined to repeat the kindness back to you. So if you give gifts to your friends, they'll probably give gifts to you, too! Why not give this simple tactic a shot, then? If you do, you should soon have a regular supply of gifts coming in from your friends, which also means a regular supply of free coins, too, after you sell those gifts!

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