Friday, November 12, 2010

Lost Spoiler Alert: What Became Of Your Favourite Characters

By Gael Breton

Whether you loved or hated the Lost, here is a brief summary of what happened to all of your favourite characters, who escaped the island and who made the ultimate sacrifice. Attention though, spoilers to follow.

Hurley and Ben: the loveable comic relief becomes the new protector of the island after Jacob is murdered by the Man in Black. And he gives the job of right hand man to none other than Ben Linus who's change of heart in the last few episodes apparently makes up for all his evil and despicable acts in the past.

Kate Austen: the gorgeous fugitive helps Jack to mortally wound the Man in Black before her and Jack spend one last passionate kiss and profess their love for each other. She manages to convince Claire she is a not a bad mother and they escape on the plane together, along with Sawyer, Richard, Miles and Frank.

James "Sawyer" Ford: the charming conman pulls off his greatest con yet, double crossing both the Man in Black and Charles Widmore and turning them against each other. At the end of the show Sawyer escapes the island with Kate, Miles, Frank and Richard.

Jin-Soo Kwon and Sun-Hwa Kwon: they drown holding hands after a bomb smuggled by the Man in Black into Jack's backpack. In the explosion Sun gets trapped under debris and she begs her husband to leave her but he refuses and they die together on the Widmore's sinking submarine.

Claire and Aaron: after being dominated by the Man in Black Claire eventually turns on him after he allows her friends did die on Widmore's submarine. Claire is ready to die on the island thinking she was a bad mother to Aaron that Kate convinces her otherwise and she escapes on the plane. Aaron is still being cared for by Claire's mother Carole Littleton.

Sayid: the Iraqi torturer martyrs himself by running with the bomb the Man in Black placed in Jack's bag to blow up the submarine. Sayid's suicidal sacrifice saves the survivors from certain doom.

John Locke: after becoming leader of the Others, Locke really was killed by Ben Linus and his doppelganger on the island is really the Man in Black. His body is found and given a proper burial and his goal of protecting the island is taken over by Jack.

Jack: the leader of the group kills the Man in Black, professes love for Kate before their final parting and makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to relight the Heart, saving the island from destruction. The final scene of the series is Jack dying in the exact same place where the first scene of the series was shot, the smile on his face and Vincent the dog by his side.

About the Author:

1 comment:

  1. "James "Sawyer" Ford: the charming conman pulls off his greatest con yet, double crossing both the Man in Black and Charles Widmore and turning them against each other. At the end of the show Sawyer escapes the island with Kate, Miles, Frank and Richard."

    I believe you are in error. Both the Man in Black and Charles Widmore ended up playing Sawyer for a fool. They played him. Thanks to Jack, Sawyer survived and managed to leave the island on Ajira 316.
