Monday, November 15, 2010

Significantly Lower Your Golf Score With Unconscious Mind Power

By Xavier J. Murphy

Golf can be a great sport. There isn't much better than hitting a towering drive off the tee that lands just on the fringe of the green on par four. Then an easy chip and put for a birdie. The problem is that between those perfect holes, you've got to suffer a few (or a couple dozen for some of us) not so great holes. What can you do?

The trick to golf, as is the trick to any other sport, is imagination and visualization. Ask any expert, and they'll tell you that a huge part of their accomplishment is solid, steady, visualization. When you visualize something, you are giving direct commands to your subconscious mind on how you want to function.

Think about a golf swing, a tee shot if you will. Do you think specially about what slant you are opening the club face, or how far back to go on the back swing? Do you know precisely what incline with which the club face hits the ball? Probably not.

If you are similar to most people, you have a unclear idea of what course you'd like the ball to go in. Then you swing away, and dream for the best. Unfortunately, this hardly ever works with any quantity of reliability. Sometimes you get fortunate, and hit one straight down the heart, other times you don't even worry yourself looking for your ball.

So how do you tap into your powerful subconscious mind to improve your game? Easy. Merge some authoritative statements, with some stalwart visualizations, and repeat them in a comfortable, almost lethargic state.

For example, if you'd like a better tee-shot, you may say something like this:

I always drive my ball right down the center of the fairway. Hitting straight shots off the tee is usual for me. My associates are jealous of my consistent tee shot.

As you are saying this, imagine your ball going right down the heart of the fairway. Envision hearing your friends talking about what a amazing shot it is. Visualize how you feel when you hit such a wonderful shot.

The best time to say this to yourself, and make use of your visualization is to get in a relaxed, almost asleep state. Sit in a comfy chair, take a few deep breaths and seal your eyes. Imagine seeing the numbers starting with ten, and going down to one. When you get to one, take quite a few deep breaths, and just say "relax" to yourself softly.

Then start to slowly and softly repeat your statement to yourself, while seeing the ball go straight down the hub.

If you do this two or three times a day for a week or two, you will see some remarkable improvements in your tee shot. After you've got that part of your game down, you can work on your fairway shots, you short game, your putting, and every other facet of the game.

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