Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Make Beats

By Dan Miller

Modern technology has effectively developed various interactive software applications for almost every type of need. For music enthusiasts, disk jocks, composers and musicians, there are a number of music softwares available to aid them in creating beats for a particular song. These music creation software tools have become their scratch pads for realising song ideas and beats. If you are a music enthusiast and are interested in creating melodies, there are simple ways to make your own beats in a matter of minutes.

A traditional way of making beats is through a drum machine. This medium will give you a more hands-on experience in creating rhythms. However, if you are not really a drummer, a computer application or software will be a good aid and will offer a much wider range of sounds that you can use to make your own beats. If you choose this option, you may want to familiarize yourself with the steps in creating those beats by following these general rules:

1. Set the time signature and tempo of your beat. For starters, you can leave these in their default positions, which will usually be 4 beats per measure at a tempo of 120 beats per minute. The beats per minute or tempo will slow down or speed up your beat and the time signature will indicate how many notes or beats will play before the loops starts over.

2. Look for a good kick and snare sound that you want to use, as these are the two main basis for any beat.

3. Press the record button and play the metronome. Place the kick drum sounds on time with the beat which is usually on beats one and three and the snare hit on beats two and four.

4. Now ti is time to add some other sound elements to your beat. By doing this you will give it more personality. As music softwares provide a greater selection when it comes to sounds, you can place various tones of different musical instruments to these beats to come up with your desired melody.

5. Save the completed song to your computer by clicking on the "Save" button. Some applications automatically save your recorded file in MP3 format and some will prompt you to choose which format you prefer in saving the file.

If you do not like downloading or installing softwares, you can go online and check some websites with free online beat machines to help you make your own beats. Use the guidelines above as your reference and you will be making great beats minutes from now.

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