Saturday, December 25, 2010

Information For Animal Lovers Looking to Buy an Aquarium For Saltwater Fish

By Jeff Parke

There are a million different types of aquariums on the market, and with the number of choices available and the fact that there is no guaranteed formula for success for creating a saltwater aquarium it can be very difficult for individuals to choose which type of aquarium they should purchase. There are a number of factors which should be considered before the would be biologist ever sets foot inside a pet store.

Tropical saltwater aquariums can range in size from small, which are typically twenty gallons, to large, which can hold up to one thousand gallons. When you go to the store to purchase the aquarium consider how much work you'll want to invest in your tropical saltwater aquarium once its up and running.

Aquariums come in three basic dimensions: the regular or rectangular configuration, the 'tall", and the hexagon tank. Each tank has benefits to its design, as well as specific fish that do well in these types of tanks. The 'tall" tank style is essentially the same as the standard.

The next thing the potential saltwater enthusiast needs to do is decide what kind of aquarium substrate you would like lining the bottom of your aquarium. You can line your aquarium with a layer of crushed coral or a layer of live sand. The next thing you'll need to get is a saltwater mix and a saltwater hydrometer. You can purchase both of these items at a store that specializes in tropical saltwater aquariums.

Acrylic tanks come with their own advantages. There is almost no limit to the shape and size that an acrylic tank can take, allowing for a greater amount of creativity in tank design. It is also considerably more durable than glass, an important consideration if the aquarium is going to be displayed in a public place or if the owner has small children.

Other items every successful tropical saltwater aquarium owner keeps on hand are rubber gloves, an aquarium glass scrub brush, two large five gallon bucket, a power strip. and a fish net. Responsible tropical saltwater aquarium owners have a spare quarantine tank where they can keep newly purchased fish or fish that appear to be getting sick.

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